Homelessness in Europe

BY Mahwish Moiz. LAST REVISED ON August 20th, 2023.

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6 great questions answered by experts

In recent decades, homelessness in many areas has risen. Why and what can we do about it? This article explores homelessness in Europe.

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Why are people homeless in Europe?

i A homeless man in Europe sits feeds pigeons.People are homeless in Europe for many reasons. In this photo, a homeless man feeds a flock of pigeons.

Homelessness in Europe is on the rise with Finland being the only exception. Temporary housing for families has increased by 70 percent in London. Meanwhile, Copenhagen has experienced a 75 percent increase in youth homelessness. In a similar vein, 1 in 70 people in Athens lost their homes in 2017. Housing in Europe is unaffordable.

People are homeless in Europe for several reasons. Poverty and unemployment are significant factors. People living below the poverty line find it difficult to afford housing. Their poor financial condition deprives them of adequate shelter. Unemployment might be long-term, or it may be a sudden occurrence. Either way, the person suffering from it cannot afford rent or mortgage. The general rise in property prices has made life even more difficult for these people.

Victims of mental and physical illnesses face homelessness, too. Their families either can’t bear them or can’t afford treatment for them. Thus, such individuals end up living on the streets as well.

What parts of Europe have the greatest problems with homelessness?

Homelessness is at its greatest in areas with high property rates. This is usually the case in urban centers like London and Paris. Housing costs have increased by 45% in the UK. A similar increase has occurred in France and other European countries as well. Expensive housing means that even more people are unable to afford decent accommodation. It is also problematic for immigrants.

People migrate to European nations from all around the world in hopes of a better life. With such high property rates, the immigrants find it difficult to settle down. They are usually unable to access permanent housing. This lack of access increases the number of people forced to live in temporary shelters.

What is Europe doing to help the currently homeless?

Where do homeless people sleep? A range of homelessness services are available for the homeless in Europe. NGOs usually provide these services, along with volunteers and faith-based organizations. Mobile housing support is a unique option for the homeless. This involves reusing buses as mobile shelters, as shown by the implementation in London. Street outreach services are also available for people. These support homeless individuals by offering counseling and advocacy. The goal is to empower people to get off the streets and find a decent home.

Detox programs and rehab services are available for people suffering from drug abuse. This kind of addiction makes it difficult to seek housing. Thus, these services enable addicts to get over their biggest hurdle. Once they are clean, individuals are in a better state to seek help with housing.

NGOs and volunteers operate emergency shelters as well. These shelters allow the homeless to spend a night or two in peace. Soup kitchens are also common across Europe. These kitchens are accessible and allow the homeless to have a decent meal. Many charitable groups organize food drives for the homeless. They also distribute blankets and clothes to people living on the streets.

What is the government doing to prevent future homelessness in Europe?

The government plans to adopt the ‘Housing First’ principle to prevent future homelessness. Finland popularized this approach. It emphasizes the concept of unconditional housing for the homeless. Governments usually want people to ‘qualify’ for housing. This means the homeless people need to have a certain lifestyle to become eligible. A drug addict must recover from his addiction before he can get housing. Meanwhile, ‘Housing First’ gives the homeless accommodation up-front with no conditions. It becomes easier for them to deal with their other problems once they have a roof over their heads.

The success of this principle is evident in Finland. Homeless people in this country are almost non-existent because of this policy.  Other countries are learning from this approach as well. The UK government has already started pilot schemes based on Housing First. It agreed to pay for such projects in regions like Greater Manchester and Merseyside.

What can citizens do to help end homelessness in Europe?

As a citizen, you may not bring drastic improvements for the homeless. But, you can change your attitudes for the better.

For starters, every citizen must make it a point to empathize with homeless people. This can include things like greeting them, talking to them, or even smiling at them. Acknowledgment of their existence as worthy human beings is essential.

It is also possible to prepare special care packages for the homeless. These could include food, water, and clothes that will help them get through another day. Volunteering at drop-in centers, food banks, or local shelters will also have an impact. Not only will it allow you to help the homeless, but it will also make it easier for you to empathize with them.

You can make donations to charities or programs geared towards ending homelessness. Such programs need all the funds they can get to have a positive impact on the lives of the homeless. Even a paltry amount donated by you can go a long way in helping the needy.

You could also consider becoming an advocate for the homeless. This can include educating people about the plight of the homeless. You can also fight for the rights of those who face constant harassment. By raising awareness like this, you can improve the lives of the many people who are homeless.

If I am homeless in Europe who can help me?

Social workers and NGOs can help you. They can guide you to drop-in centers, soup kitchens, and other helpful places. They can even help you find a decent place to live for the long term. You may get in touch with a faith-based organization of your choice as well. Such groups can donate funds to you or support you in other ways.

Final Thoughts

Homelessness continues to plague Europe. People from a variety of groups suffer from it. Finland shows us that the crisis is solvable, though. Governments need to develop innovative housing options. They need to realize the importance of providing housing first to people. You can play your part by educating yourself and others and by helping the homeless in any way you can. Homelessness may be a critical problem, but it doesn’t have to be that way for long.

further reading

This article focused exclusively on homelessness in europe. What it focused little to none on, however, is how to help the homeless...

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Read "How to Help the Homeless - 17 ways to make a difference now!."


key takeaways

  • While homelessness continues to plague most of Europe...
  • Finland shows us how governments can adopt the housing first approach to reduce suffering related to homelessness in your community.
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