How Much Money Do The Homeless Get From The Government?

BY Kyle J. Cassaday. LAST REVISED ON March 12th, 2024.

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Do homeless people receive money for being homeless? This article identifies how much money the homeless get from the government.

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In 2021, I went homeless for over three years. During that time, I received absolutely no money for being homeless.

I did however receive EBT, which is food money loaded onto an electronic card, but other than currency that could only be used for food, I received no money whatsoever.

The only cash that I was aware of that I could have possibly gotten from the government was unemployment or general assistance. Both of which, however, I was unable to get, and had nothing to do with me being homeless.

So, in short, from the government, the homeless receive no money for being homeless.

What money can homeless individuals receive?

i A homeless man rolling tobacco.A homeless man rolling tobacco. | People experiencing homelessness receive absolutely no money from the government for being homeless.

While the government (at least in the U.S.) does not give money just because the person is homeless, people who are homeless, just like anyone else, can still receive money for other reasons, in other ways.

The first way is by...

Social security

Social Security income or SSI is given to individuals for several reasons. One such reason is for being elderly. SSID is given to people who have difficulties working due to a disability. (The "D" in SSID stands for disability.)


Another way individuals can receive money while homeless is through unemployment. Unemployment is money given to people who lose their jobs unexpectedly.

General Relief

The final way a person experiencing homelessness can receive money from the government in the U.S. is by General Relief. General relief is currency given on an electronic card that typically lasts no more than one year.


So all in all, in the U.S., the homeless receive no money for being homeless. Like anyone else, however, while unsheltered, the homeless can receive SSI or SSID, Unemployment income, and General Relief.

further reading

This article focused exclusively on how much money the homeless get from the government. What it focused little to none on, however, is why we should not help the homeless...

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Read "Why We Should Not Help the Homeless - 9 compelling reasons."


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