How to Get Out of Homelessness

BY Kyle J. Cassaday. LAST REVISED ON March 1st, 2024.

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the most significant reasons

Sick of being homeless and ready to get back into a home? This article identifies how to get out of homelessness.

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The first thing you should do if you want to get out of homelessness is go to a homeless shelter and speak to a homelessness specialist about your situation. Homeless shelter staff are incredibly knowledgeable about resources for homeless people, so someone at the shelter may be able to help you get off the streets. 

Another thing you should do is speak to a social worker at your local Department of Social Services. Social workers are also very well trained in helping homeless people find resources related to homelessness so the social worker may be able to point you in the right direction. 

In addition to learning what resources are available in your area, you should also do all that you can to... 

Get Some Sort of Income Coming In

i A person counting a thousand dollars.A person counting a thousand dollars. | The first step to getting out of homelessness is to get some sort of income coming in.

Many resources that exist for homeless people are only temporary housing solutions. For example, you can stay at a homeless shelter, but only for a certain amount of days, or you can go to a transitional home, but not for more than a few months. 

To find a more permanent solution out of homelessness, what you are going to want to get into is low-income housing. To do that, however, you are going to need some sort of income. 

Low-income housing will accept a small percentage of your income, but not when your net income is zero. 

So here are a few ways to consider acquiring a steady source of income: 

Get Social Security Income (SSI/SSID)

If you live in the United States, and you experience some sort of disability, apply for SSID. This can help supplement the money that you would be earning if your disability didn't prevent you from working. 

Else, if you live in the U.S, and meet the SSI qualification criteria, try applying for SSI.

Get a Job

By this, I don't necessarily mean to become an employee, though to become an employee is one way to earn income. I mean, instead, to do some sort of work that earns you money. Get a job at a fast food place. Go door-to-door mowing lawns. Work at the closest convenience store. Bag up groceries at a supermarket.

Getting a job while homeless is difficult so this is the topic of the next section:

Getting a job while homeless

One of the greatest barriers to getting a job while homeless is an inability to look presentable to employers. Employers look for clean, neatly trimmed people, and it's difficult to present yourself in this way to them when you sleep on the streets. Nonetheless, looking presentable to employers while homeless is possible. You need only one nice wardrobe, a rag, and a razor. 

Take the rag and the razor to a park restroom. There, lather some hand soap on your face and shave. Lather some hand soap on the rag as well, take it into the stall, and scrub your face, neck, and arms. Pay especially close attention to your armpits when scrubbing. Did you know that B.O. is caused by bacteria, and so scrubbing your armpits with antibacterial soap can kill the B.O.?


To get out of homelessness speak to a homelessness specialist or a social worker. Tell them about your situation and ask them about getting into low-income housing. To get into low-income housing, however, you are going to need some sort of income. So consider applying for SSI/SSID or getting a part-time or full-time job.

further reading

This article focused exclusively on how to get out of homelessnes. What it focused little to none on, however, is how to help someone who is homeless...

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Read "How To Help Someone Who Is Homeless - 23 powerful ways."


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