How to Help the Homeless

BY Mahwish Moiz. LAST REVISED ON August 20th, 2023.

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17 ways to make a difference now!

Learn how to help the homeless in 17 brilliant ways. This article explains everything you know to start making a noticable difference today!

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17 ways to help the homeless in your area

i A group of people put their hands together symbolizing their commitment to help.A group of people put their hands together symbolizing their commitment to help. | We can help the homeless in many ways.

We are in the 21st century but this monster called homelessness is still affecting many people in the world. How can we help the homeless? Below are some of the ways we can assist them:

1. Understand them

There are various causes of homelessness. Most of the time causes of homelessness cannot be pinned down to one cause, but rather a mixture of circumstances in someone’s life that steers them off the right path.

Research can help us familiarize ourselves with the complicated problems that create a perfect storm resulting in homelessness. Every homeless person has a unique experience. We can listen and empathize with them.

2. Educate others

Despite the increase in the cases of homelessness, it is surprising how many people are still unaware of the nature of homelessness in their area. Could they be ignorant? Maybe. Some of them could be interested in helping but they do not know-how. We can become an enthusiast and extend our enthusiasm to such people.

We can dispel myths, create awareness of the nature of homelessness, and the best ways we can help end this issue. Echo our voices on all social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram Twitter, etc. We can share articles on our blog posts, and in local newspapers, and even feature them in our news once in a while.

We can raise a better generation by teaching our kids to respect homeless people. Carrying them along with us can help them understand their situation; at the same time kids can see how privileged they are. Such actions can greatly change public perception.

3. Change our language

Homelessness is a stigmatized identity. Most of us refer to these people as homeless people and not people experiencing homelessness. We need to see the people first and then focus on the situation they are going through.

4. Acknowledge and embrace them

We all want to be loved; who doesn’t? We need to see homeless people as human beings and treat them with love and respect. We can strike a conversation every time we come across them. Kind words can make a huge difference in a day full of hardship. We can respond to them instead of dismissing them.

We need to bear in mind that not all homeless people are kind. Some are hurting from inside and they might bleed on us. We need not fight them; we are the bigger persons here. We can develop a thick skin and move to the next person who might be kind to us.

5. Donate

Homeless people need help to carry on their day. Basic needs are important for survival. They include:

a) Food and water

Homeless people are hungry and dehydrated most of the time. We can pack food and water from home and give them. While in the hotels we can order an extra meal and then deliver it to them on our way home. We can also acquire gift cards, reload, and give them to homeless people. This can allow them to get into the restaurant and enjoy their meal away from the harsh weather, for a while.

We can also organize to get excess foodstuffs from hotels, schools, and colleges at the end of the day. This way we will feed the homeless, avoid wastage, and conserve the environment.

b) Clothing and shoes

We can give the homeless people clothes and shoes that we no longer wear because we have outgrown them or they are simply not our style anymore. Such clothes and shoes as long as they’re in a good state, can make homeless people improve their appearance and even protect their feet from infections.

A clean T-shirt during a hot season can help lighten their day after removing a big, heavy coat. Likewise, a warm coat can help a homeless person get protection from the cold during chilly weather.

c) Other essentials

Kids who are homeless have no toys; if any, they only have a just few. Their parents always focus on more important needs. We can buy them toys or give them the ones that are not in use. We can provide them with textbooks, exercise books, and any other stationary items that can be of benefit to their studies.

Blankets can be of great help whether they live on the streets or in shelters. We can also donate kitchen items such as cups, plates, and spoons just to make their lives comfortable. Electronics such as radio and phones are essential for information and communication respectively.

We can have donating baskets at various locations where people can place their donations. We can publicize by placing announcements in local papers and posters. Posters can have a list of requirements, addresses, and the number of persons to be contacted.

6. Money

It is not advisable to give homeless people money directly; most of them do not have good spending habits. Instead, we can give or even host fundraising events in schools and companies; and donate money to Nonprofit organizations that serve the homeless. The money will get to them in a better way.

i. Recyclables

Collecting recyclable items such as plastic bottles, metal pieces, and newspapers is a common job for the homeless. ‘Everything around us is money, not dirt, ‘said one recycle company in South Africa. We can set a place in our homes where we can store these items; away from the dustbin cubicles so that it is easier for them to collect without touching garbage. This way we can help them make a few coins.

ii. Provide housing support services

As a community, we can provide housing support services to homeless people. Where they can stay for a while until they are stable enough to support themselves.  Volunteers in America provide transitional and permanent affordable housing for homeless people.

 7. Provide health services

a) Provide free health and maternity services

Today we have many public hospitals in the world. However, most of them are not 100% free; they charge a small fee. Alternatively, one can have a card such as the National Hospital Insurance Card (NHIF) which is paid for, monthly. We can come up with special cards for homeless people whereby they are not charged any fee, not even monthly charges.

In Washington Dc a free-standing clinic was established where homeless people can get health care services without waiting for a long period.

b) Rehabilitation Programs

Some of the homeless people have abused drugs. Some are addicted while some of them have mental issues. We can come up with a program where we offer rehabilitation services to help such people. Nigeria has mental health rehabilitation program which benefits clients in the country.

8. Volunteer

Most shelter homes exist and thrive as a result of people who are proffered to work with them. We can offer to clean, cook, serve a meal, serve as a counselor, or even babysit in shelter homes. Homeless people who benefit from such programs can be reintegrated to keep the system going

9. Engage them in activities

Many activities happen in our community; such as clean-up exercises. We can engage homeless people in cleaning the community and then pay their organizations. This way they can gain, at the same time learn how to conserve the environment and feel like part of the community.

In Texas, 40 homeless people have been given clean-up jobs in the street; they managed to remove 3,856 tons of dirt from the streets.

10. Teach them

Homeless people cannot afford to go to schools to get skills that can help them in life. Nonetheless, we can put our skills into practice. Those of us with clerical skills can help those with little or no skills. We can equip them with skills that can enable them to get jobs. It costs nothing other than time.

We are all talented in one way or another. We can nature homeless people’s talent in such a way that it benefits them in the future. St Mungo’s Broadway is a school in London where homeless people learn different skills.

11. Seek job opportunities for them

Most homeless people would like to work, but they do not get decent jobs. We can encourage churches and communities at large to employ them. Even if it is something as simple as mopping, typing, or even painting. We can also connect and recommend them so that they can get good jobs to support themselves and improve their living standards.

In the UK, BAOH part of charity business in the community has provided work placement for 1700 homeless people.

12. Reach out

Due to bad company, homeless people form vicious circles that are unbreakable. We can pray for them as an individual or as a group. They not only need physical support but also emotional and spiritual. We can even invite them to our worship places, events, and trips. Most of them are familiar with a few areas, therefore, they will greatly appreciate such offers.

In New York, The Bowery Mission provides compassionate care and transforms the lives of homeless people.

13. Join homeless people organizations

Two heads are better than one. We can join organizations such as HOPE Homelessness in Europe that is working towards eradicating homelessness in the continent. We can also form our local community organizations with those people who are interested in it.

14. Battered women shelters

Toxic relationships are a result of homelessness in many women. Most of them have serious emotional problems requiring long-term support. In the United States, there are 2000 shelters and service programs for women from abusive relationships.

15. Help homeless people get government aid

Most homeless people are not aware that there are government aid organizations. We can direct them to such organizations and help them.

In UK, the government is seeking applications to provide grants to homeless people. They have a deadline calendar that keeps track of all upcoming grants and their deadline.

16. Stand up for their rights

Just like any other citizen, homeless people have rights; they are people like us. We should, therefore, stand up for their rights strongly. We can also allow them to vote.

In Manchester, a campaign was launched to give homeless people the right to vote. Even though they have no legal documents, they can use their address or day center location.

17. Mentor

The best gift we can offer homeless people is a mentorship program. Some of them have been in toxic friendships where they have learned bad habits. Change does not happen all at once. It is a process, that’s why they need mentors. We can help them walk this journey without criticizing them. We can also follow up on them to see if they are doing well.

This issue of homelessness is a crisis; to some extent, it seems insurmountable. However, with deliberate and collective action we can concur. Let’s keep fighting; it is doable.

further reading

This article focused exclusively on how to help the homeless. What it focused little to none on, however, is what is it like to be homeless...

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Read "What is it Like to be Homeless - this is what it is like."


key takeaways

You can help the homeless in 17 ways:

  1. Understand them
  2. Educate others
  3. Change our language
  4. Acknowledge and embrace them
  5. Donate
  6. Money
  7.  Provide health services
  8. Volunteer
  9. Engage them in activities
  10. Teach them
  11. Seek job opportunities for them
  12. Reach out
  13. Join homeless people organizations
  14. Battered women shelters
  15. Help homeless people get government aid
  16. Stand up for their rights
  17. Mentor
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