How Do People Become Homeless?

BY Kyle J. Cassaday. LAST REVISED ON February 21st, 2024.

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13+ significant ways

Why are over 1.5 billion homeless in the world each night? This article identifies why people become homeless.

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More than anything else, most homeless individuals want nothing more than to live in a home. Being homeless is incredibly stressful. The extremely hot and cold temperatures on some days make being on the streets miserable.

Being homeless is also very boring. No electricity means no electronics and so the homeless are forced to sit in their heads.

But for some, mental illness makes getting back into permanent housing impossible.

Many experience severe psychiatric problems. Some hear voices, experience head throbbing anxiety, or have difficulties getting out of bed.

In fact, it is estimated that around one in every three homeless individuals experience a severe psychiatric issue such as schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, or some other severe psychiatric problem. All of which makes it difficult to attain and maintain income.

So the first reason why people become homeless is mental illness.

13) Physical disability

i A blurry image of a woman experiencing a mental illness.A blurry image of a woman experiencing a extreme anxiety. | The first way how people become homeless is with a mental illness.

About four out of every five homeless individuals experience a physical disability.

Physical disabilities make attaining and maintaining a steady job difficult.

A person may have a bad back which makes it impossible for them to lift heavy items; another may have a bad ankle which makes it difficult for them to walk. Still, another may be experiencing side effects from undergoing chemo for cancer.

All of which renders it challenging to work and stay working.

So another reason many are homeless is that they have a disability.

12) Eviction

In most cases, however, people are homeless due to circumstances outside of their control. Many have just been recently evicted, and are having difficulties finding a new place that they can afford.

Many also have just experienced...

11) Job loss

Job loss is a common reason why people become homeless.

Often coming unexpectedly, and at a time when an individual is not prepared for it, job loss can leave a person homeless, and while homeless, with difficulties obtaining new employment.

10) Difficulty obtaining new employment

With now-hiring signs posted almost everywhere, you might be surprised to learn that getting a job for some homeless people is difficult. But many employers are looking for applicants with good work histories, and many homeless people just don't have one.

9) Bad employment histories

These days, most employers are looking for applicants with good work histories.

Good work histories suggest that applicants are good workers and that they will remain at the company for a long duration.

But many homeless people just don't have good work histories. Something may have happened at their last job, or they are the type of person who stays with a particular employer for a couple of months instead of years.

8) Criminal records

Another reason why homeless people can't get jobs, and as a result can't get housing, is because they have criminal records.

A bad criminal record, obviously, makes it difficult to attain employment anywhere.

7) Death of a loved one

Some are also homeless due to the death of a loved one. When a person relies on a loved one's income, whether that be half, all, or even a small portion, and that loved one passes, some people become homeless due to an inability to keep up with the rent, to cover the rent that was usually paid by the spouse who passed.

6) A break-up

For the same reasons as the death of a loved one, a break-up can also impact a person financially. If the two were living together, and the person's ex moves out, sometimes rent is too much to afford.

5) Unaffordable housing

Speaking of rent being too much to afford, unaffordable housing in general is another reason why people become homeless.

Some work full-time jobs and still cannot afford to pay the rent. They end up on the streets like everyone else.

4) Low wages

Eviction could not result, and the death or breakup wouldn't impact a person's housing if only the individual earned high wages.

But in recent decades, high wages are on the decline.

3) A choice to not work

Then of course there are those rare cases where a person can work, but chooses not to.

They may have just come out of a terrible job and the job ruined wanting to work.

Perhaps they are planning on getting a new job soon, but in the meantime, just need a break from the madness.

2) Drug addiction

Another reason people become homeless is they have difficulties working and maintaining housing due to drug addiction.

While it's not as common as studies suggest the general public thinks, drug addiction is still a factor among people who experience homelessness.

Research suggests that about 38% of individuals experiencing homelessness concurrently battle with addiction.

1) Alcohol dependency

The final reason people become homeless is alcohol dependency. among people who experience homelessness, like drug addiction,  alcohol dependency is not as common as you'd expect, but it is still a problem.

Alcohol addiction can make it difficult to attain and maintain employment which can result in an inability to remain housed.


Many ways exist for how people become homeless.

First, they have a mental illness. Severe mental illnesses like schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder make it difficult to attain and maintain housing.

Next, they have a disability. Having difficulties with movement can make it difficult to work and stay working.

Job loss is another way people become homeless. Especially when it happens when the person is not prepared for it, job loss can hinder the paying of rent on time.

In addition, difficulties obtaining new employment is another way. When the rent is due and the person still doesn't have a job--you know the rest.

Plus, bad employment histories can also hinder getting a job. Not having a job leads to homelessness.

A bad criminal record is another way people become homeless. Most employers are reluctant to hire applicants with bad criminal records.

Next is the death of a loved one. When a spouse passes and the surviving partner is left to pay all of the rent, homelessness is sometimes the result.

Furthermore, a breakup can result in homelessness for the same reason as the death of a loved one. When the ex moves out and leaves the other partner with all of the bills, sometimes rent is too expensive.

Then there is unaffordable housing. When rent is too expensive, and it cannot be paid, guess what eventually happens.

Low wages is another way in which people become homeless. Not enough money means not enough rent money, which ultimately means not enough patience from the greedy landlord.

Next, is a choice to not work. Some can work but don't want to.

The final way that people become homeless is through a drug or alcohol addiction. While it's not as common as you may think, for some people experiencing homelessness, it is still a factor.

further reading

This article focused exclusively on how do people become homeless. What it focused little to none on, however, is why we should end homelessness...

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Read "Why We Should End Homelessness - 10 significant reasons."


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