Homeless with a Job

BY Mahwish Moiz. LAST REVISED ON August 20th, 2023.

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a terribly troubling phenomenon worldwide

When you work full time and cant even afford to pay the rent, something is terribly wrong. This article explores being homeless with a job.

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Homelessness with a job

i Dirty boots set out on thegrassBoots laid out on the grass to dry | Studies suggest that over half of the homeless work sometime during their unshelteredness.

According to estimates, 150 million people suffer from homelessness worldwide, poverty and job insecurity being significant factors. Many people are homeless, however, despite having a job. Having a job does not always translate into a way out of poverty.


The number of homeless people who are employed may be small, but it is a significant number. Consider the city of San Francisco in California, USA. This city hosts almost 7,500 homeless people. Out of these, 13 percent report having part- or full-time jobs. And San Francisco isn’t the only American city facing this issue. 4,990 homeless residents of San Diego claim to be working in some capacity. An alarming eight percent of Los Angeles’s 50,000 homeless residents are also working.


A Shelter survey shows that 55% of homeless families in the UK are working. Over 33,000 families with temporary shelter have jobs of some sort. This same figure was 19,000 back in 2013, which suggests that there has been a jump of 73% since then. A boost in private rent and a lack of social housing are significant factors here.

Employed and homeless elsewhere

The phenomenon of homeless people with jobs exists elsewhere in the world as well. Even though there is a lack of data, what we do have are alarming figures. Consider Australia, for instance. Almost 30% of homeless people there have some kind of employment. As far as “rough sleepers” go, 10% of them claim to have a job.

Urban centers in countries all around the world comprise homeless people with jobs. Again, property and rent costs are skyrocketing. People with minimum-wage jobs could work hours every week, but still struggle to afford a home.

If people are working, why are they homeless?

Before we consider why people are homeless while working, let's first consider why people are even homeless. Homelessness is a result of both systemic and social barriers. Poverty, unemployment, rising rent, domestic violence, legal problems, drug abuse, alcoholism, and mental and physical illness all significantly contribute to homelessness in general.

Why people are homeless in general


People living below the poverty line find it difficult to afford housing. Their poor financial condition deprives them of adequate shelter.


Unemployment might be long-term, or it may be a sudden occurrence. Either way, the person suffering from it cannot afford rent or mortgage. Job insecurity results in housing uncertainty.

Rising Rent

The general rise in property prices has made life even more difficult for these people. There has been a severe shortage of low-income housing since 1966.

Domestic Violence

Domestic abuse and violence affect people in many ways. One of these is forcing the victims to leave their homes. While they get respite from the abuse, they find themselves on the streets. Returning to their abusive relations is hardly an option. Thus, they end up spending a long time without a decent home.

Legal Problems

Prisoners awaiting trial often end up losing employment and housing, too. They have no choice but to settle for temporary shelters or drop-in centers.

Drug Abuse and Alcoholism

Drug addicts often face expulsion from their homes. Their problems with addiction make them unbearable for their family members. These individuals spend a lot on drugs, which leaves little behind for rent or mortgage. They will usually refuse to seek help with housing, despite their homelessness. Thus, their addiction problems continue without a roof over their heads.

Mental and Physical Illnesses

Victims of mental and physical illnesses face homelessness, too. Their families either can’t bear them or can’t afford treatment for them. Thus, such individuals end up living on the streets as well.

Why people are homeless while employed

All the above-mentioned reasons can cause homelessness despite having a job. This is because a job isn't always the answer. If one is a minimum-wage worker, he or she will still struggle with problems. A person addicted to drugs, for example, will be burdened with finding a free rehabilitation center in the area. If you or your relatives are ill, you can't support them with minimum wage. And yes, if rent continues to increase in your region, there is no way you can keep up with a low income. A job only works if it is enough for your situation. If not, you might find yourself on the streets despite being a paid employee.

How it feels to be the working homeless

Case studies show that people feel happier when they are employed. As ironic as it sounds, not working can be stressful. Unemployed individuals often feel hopeless.

The hopelessness starts with the anxiety of no longer being "normal" in society, amplifying as the embarrassment builds if the fact that you are homeless slips out in a conversation you are having with colleagues. Not all of them are understanding, and even if they are, it is often impossible to not feel some level of shame and inferiority.

Workers who sleep on the streets report various struggles with homelessness. Maintaining good hygiene is nearly impossible because you do not own a shower to wash up in. Punctuality becomes difficult, too. Public transport and ride-hailing services become difficult to afford now and then. In such cases, homeless people either risk being late or not attending at all.

The obstacles people face with obtaining employment when homeless

Homelessness makes it difficult for people to get employment. The obstacles homeless people face are both personal and systemic.

Lack of social and vocational skills

First off, homeless people lack the necessary social and stress management skills. This means they often find it tough to maintain a thriving vocation. They have few contacts they can rely on to help them secure jobs. If you live on the streets, your chances of socializing with white-collar workers are very slim.

Lack of affordable transportation

Being homeless means you can only spend on so many things. Food and clothes take priority as everything else takes a backseat. The latter also includes transportation. If you can’t afford ride-hailing services or even public transport, you can’t get to the workplace on time. Once employers realize this about you, they are even less likely to hire you.

Lack of academic credentials

It is difficult to get education and training opportunities when you are homeless. This puts you at a disadvantage when you apply for jobs.

Poor mental and physical health

Homeless people have a lot on their plates. They have to face the constant stress of not having adequate shelter. Society doesn’t treat them kindly either. This results in poor mental health that doesn’t do wonders for their job-seeking plans. Many people are homeless because of an inability to deal with poor mental or physical health. This continues long after they come out on the streets.

Drug and substance abuse

Again, this is something that usually causes homelessness and continues afterward as well. It becomes even worse. Without rehab or counseling, homeless drug addicts slip further into their addiction. They typically reach a point of no return. This also makes it difficult for them to find a decent job.

How homeless people can overcome these obstacles to get a job

The key is getting the right help. Homeless people think they are on their own, and admittedly, most just plainly are. But, help is always accessible if one chooses to find it.

Homeless people can solve many of their problems by availing the help of NGOs and volunteers. They can find them by asking around if searching online isn’t an option. The effort is well worth it because their services can help you out. They can help you with simple things like food and transport. They can also help you with finding a decent shelter or even a job.

To improve their social skills, homeless people can make it a point to visit drop-in centers. These places host many people like them. Hence, they provide an excellent opportunity to socialize and form networks.

Drug addicts can help to seek rehab and counseling. People with mental and physical illnesses can ask their families for help. Sometimes, that's not an option, either. In such cases, it becomes even more critical to get in touch with a good charity or NGO.

Transportation can become more affordable by splitting costs with other people. This is where socializing proves to be essential. Education isn’t always an option for the homeless. But, it can become easier if educated homeless people teach their fellows whenever they can.

The obstacles people face with maintaining a job when they are homeless

Difficulty in being presentable

It is no surprise that homeless people find it difficult to be presentable for their jobs. The absence of adequate shelter deprives you of other facilities as well. Taking a bath becomes more of a luxury. Having neat clothes becomes almost impossible. Taking care of how you look is difficult when the only thing on your mind is your homelessness.

Lack of punctuality

This is a problem, especially if one's workplace is far away. Many homeless people can't afford transportation. Thus, they either get late or cannot attend their workplace at all.

Lack of productivity

A homeless person can only focus on so much. He has to deal with a lack of shelter to start with. Food and clothes occupy his mind as he wonders what to spend on. If he lives on the street, he has to deal with a range of problems. Survival becomes critical, and everything else takes a backseat. This means it’s not always possible for homeless workers to be productive. They have too much on their plates for that.

How homeless people should conquer these obstacles to get a job

There is no simple answer here because it all depends on one’s fortune. But, there are things homeless people can do to improve their situation.

Transportation can become more affordable if homeless people split the costs. They can also try discussing the problem with their employers to see what help they can provide. Some companies might even ease off on their punctuality rule for them.

The same goes for being presentable. People can either share the costs of laundry service or try to avail their workplace's help. Some companies help their employees with such services as well.

Productivity will always be tough for homeless people. But, they can become more effective by choosing to spend as much time as possible at their workplace. If they have families, though, that's not always an option. In such cases, it's worth discussing it with their employers and asking for their guidance.


Homelessness is a severe social issue around the world. It affects all kinds of people, including those with jobs. Such people deserve our respect and empathy because of their hard work despite their poor condition. Governments must draw up plans to improve their chances of getting back into housing. You can play your part by educating yourself and others around you. Homeless people with jobs may feel hopeless, but they don't have to for long.

further reading

This article focused exclusively on homeless with a job. What it focused little to none on, however, is chronic homelessness...

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Read "Chronic Homelessness - definition, costs, causes, and solutions."


key takeaways

  • A significant number of people with jobs are homeless around the world
  • Poverty, unemployment, rising rent, domestic violence, legal problems, drug abuse and alcoholism, and mental and physical illness are all significant factors
  • Case studies show that being homeless with a job is stressful and makes everything look hopeless
  • Main problems homeless people face in getting a job include lack of social and vocational skills, lack of transportation, lack of education and skills, drug abuse, and poor health
  • These obstacles can be overcome with the help of NGOs and charities who can help you socialize, get counselling and education, and find work opportunities
  • Main problems homeless people face in maintaining jobs include difficulty in being punctual, presentable, and productive
  • Homeless people with jobs can improve their lives by sharing necessary costs with other people, spending more time at the workplace, and availing their workplace's help if possible
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