Why Should Someone Choose to Be Homeless?

BY Kyle J. Cassaday. LAST REVISED ON August 20th, 2023.

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5 epic reasons

Being homeless can be easier. It can also teach a person valuable lessons. This article explains why someone should choose to be homeless.

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While homelessness is not always a walk in the park, (it is often more of a ticket in the park kind of thing,) being homeless can be epic.

Here are the 5 most epic reasons someone should choose to be homeless:


i Homeless woman begging for change in her bowl.Homeless woman begging for change in her bowl.

The first reason someone should choose to be homeless is it is easier. Freedom from paying utilities, rent, and taxes is life-changing.

No utilities

The reason being homeless is easier is no utilities need to be paid. Sure, one may need to endure a few days of freezing to death in artic mornings and sweating in tank-tops on searing park benches. But with no gas or electricity bill, more money can be spent on epic rock concerts or nights out in Vegas.

No rent

Next, being homeless is easier because it's cheaper.

When a person must pay the rent, no way is he or she saving mounds of cash for expensive spa treatments or Apple iPhones. After filling the gas tank and refrigerator, skinny dipping in Mexico is also not an affordable option.

Paying no rent also makes saving money easier because sleeping behind bushes is free.

Not needing to pay rent frees money to save and do exciting activities. So no rent is another major reason why someone should choose to be homeless.

No taxes

Finally, the last reason why being homeless is easier is one need not work. Not working means no need to pay taxes.

Want to live off the government and lie in the dirt tossing potato chips into the ole pie hole Mr. or Mrs. Recently Unemployed?

Do it.

Freedom from utilities, rent, and taxes makes life less stressful, and life becomes more enjoyable and convenient. So the first reason why someone should choose to be homeless is homelessness is easier.


Another reason why someone should choose to be homeless is it teaches how to not care what others think. Worrying how one looks dirty and smells bad causes the mind to stop caring what other people think.

When homeless, one can't just take a shower or change their clothes. There's no way to do that. So the mind learns to give up on caring what other people think.

Furthermore, a person knows how non-homeless people judge the homeless. Many people think the homeless are lazy and refuse to get a job. They see the homeless as people in the way, and messy. As a result, the mind of the homeless recognizes that society stereotypes and judges the homeless.

To cope, the homeless decide that not giving a you-know-what about others' opinions is best.

Learning to ignore what people might be thinking takes time, but when learned, it's powerful and valuable. A person becomes better with the opposite sex, socially comfortable, and successful.

Better with the opposite sex

The first benefit to ignoring what people think is being better with the opposite sex. What often prevents success in romantic relationships is the lack of confidence. One may worry that an attractive member of the opposite sex will judge them negatively, for example, so they try to make themselves look good by being someone their not. Also, not portraying themselves as confident, the opposite sex thinks, "Hey, if this person is not confident about themselves then why should I be confident in them?"

So the attractive coworker never likes them back.

When homeless though, the person learns the habit of disregarding what others think. As a consequence of that, they present themselves better and are unconcerned about rejection. Thus, the first benefit to not caring about what people think is one becomes better with the opposite sex.

more socially comfortable

In the same way that not caring about what people think helps a person be romantic with the opposite sex, being homeless also teaches one how to be more socially comfortable in general.

When homeless, the mind is put into a position where negative judgments by the non-homeless are the reality. To cope, one learns to be comfortable shopping in muddy sweatpants and forty-five-day deodorized armpits. This has the effect of rendering a person secure around people in general. So experiencing homelessness helps a person become more socially comfortable.

More likely to succeed in life

Finally, the last benefit of forgetting what people think is success in life. Oftentimes, the barrier to success is the judgment for failure by others. When one is careless about the opinions of other people, however, he or she can meet the challenges that success demands. The person can present ideas to people without reserve, go directly after dreams, and be less shaken when life proves accomplishment impossible.

In short, being homeless teaches a person to be careless about what other people think. Not caring helps one be more comfortable around the opposite sex, and people in general. That can also contribute to life success.


The next reason why someone should choose to be homeless is being homeless teaches about homelessness. What's good about that is once a person knows what it is like to be homeless, he or she gains a sense of compassion for the homeless and wants to help out.

compassion for people who sleep under the sky

Through being homeless oneself, the person learns how miserable being homeless can be.

First, a person faces challenges with having no place to shower or shave. Not being able to bathe or groom makes it difficult to get a job. Having no place to plug a cell phone is a challenge for a homeless person as well. Being homeless without friends and electronics can make life boring.

Experiencing this firsthand yields a new perspective on the struggles of homelessness. When knowing what it is like to struggle, one feels compassion for those who are struggling.

want to help the homeless

Fostering a sense of compassion causes a person to want to help the homeless too. Because from being homeless one knows what it is like to struggle, when in a position to help, they do. They do because they know what it is like to need help.

That's why homeless people are some of the most generous people one will ever meet. The homeless will give their last loaf of bread to someone who is starving. They'll give their last loaf of bread even though they need it because they know what it's like to starve, to feel like raiding a trash can is a valuable opportunity.

They know what it's like to be without.

That's why homeless people are often so generous, and why being homeless teaches someone to help the homeless.

Thus, another reason why someone should choose to be homeless is that it teaches one about homelessness. Knowing what it's like to be homeless teaches compassion and cultivates motivation to help the needy.


In addition, being homeless teaches a person to be grateful for the ordinary, everyday things in life that are taken for granted. One learns to be grateful for electricity, a shower, and a place to sleep, spend time at, and keep one's stuff.

gratitude for electricity

Denying a place for the homeless to charge electronics is inhumane. Without a cellphone, one is loitering on park benches staring into the abyss.

Not every mind is a Christmas party.

Being without electricity also makes getting a job difficult. Without even a phone for employers to reach one on, how can a homeless person know that employment managers want to request an interview?

So, when homeless, one learns to be grateful for the miracle of electricity.

Gratitude for a shower

In addition to electricity, a person learns to be grateful for a shower. As the days fly by, body parts that rub and fold begin to smell like rotting fish farms.

A person never gets used to the smell. It's not like putting on cologne or perfume in the morning and being the only one unable to smell it by noon. The body gets increasingly rancid.

So when homeless, a person often fantasizes about showering. He or she realizes, when homeless, that when living with a shower, duly and ample love wasn't confessed enough to it.

Knowing the value of little things like showers teaches someone to enjoy the things in life that is often otherwise overlooked.

So another reason why someone should choose to be homeless is to learn some gratitude for showers.

Grateful for a legal place to sleep

When homeless, sleeping outside is like breaking into a house. A person needs certainty that he or she is not seen. The reason is sleeping nearly anywhere is illegal. Thus, to evade an illegal camping ticket, a person constantly hides while they sleep.

Having a place to sleep indoors is a privilege that most people never acknowledge. The homeless do though and that's valuable. They learn gratitude for a legal place to sleep.

grateful for a place to spend time at

In addition to learning gratitude for electricity, a shower and a place to sleep, one also learns to be grateful for a place to spend one's time. When homeless, one is constantly made to leave. That's why the homeless are always on the move. They have no place to exist.

Being without a somewhere teaches a person to enjoy one. That makes happiness easy. A place to remain is all that is needed.

gratitude for a place to keep one's belongings

The final way one learns gratitude for the little things in life is by not having a place to keep one's stuff. Because like most people, when one goes homeless, storage units exceed the budget. That means that everything a person owns needs to stay on them at all times.

Did you know it is illegal to leave possessions in public unattended, and also to exceed a particular amount of possessions even if kept on person?

As a result, one only keeps the stuff that is essential: one change of clothing, some blankets, and a day's worth of food. Even that's a burden to lug around. To go to a grocery store, for example, one must stash their belongings in bushes. They can only hope that it won't get stolen.

The constant stress of worrying about stuff getting stolen, or getting ticketed for leaving their possessions unattended makes a homeless person wish for a place to leave belongings. When one finally does have a place to keep one's stuff after all, he or she remembers how lucky they are to be blessed with the privilege of being able to keep possessions.

Learning to be grateful for the little things in life is important because the recognition cultivates enjoyment for the little things. That is desirable because being able to enjoy the little stuff makes life more enjoyable.

Thus, if ever the day comes that one soars out of homelessness, he or she is grateful for a place with electricity, and a shower. He or she is also joyous to have a place to sleep, remain, and leave possessions.

That's another reason why someone should choose to be homeless is to learn to be grateful for the little things.


In addition to all the main benefits that homelessness offers, little reasons why someone should choose to be homeless as exist. Being homeless is good for the back, gives one time to think, and can even potentially be exciting.

being homeless is good for the back

One of the greatest perks of being homeless is that one is forced to sleep - not on a bed - but on the dirt. Sleeping on dirt is good for the back, especially if one has back trouble.

homelessness gives one time to think

And when laying under the stars with mother nature repairing and aligning his or her spine, one has plenty of time to think. Is time to think for you ever in the excess these days? Homelessness offers more of it.

it can be exciting

Being homeless can also be exciting. I've read stories about homeless people who, because of no reason to stay in town, hopped on trains and went city to city exploring the streets and wilderness' all across the country.

What's great about homelessness is it is like an extended camping trip, one that need not be cut short because of work on Monday morning. Homelessness can be exciting.

Thus, other reasons why someone should be homeless are it is good for the back, frees time to think, and can even be exciting.


It needs to be said though, that homelessness is not all good.

I've been it.

Some days are unbearable.

It gets miserably hot in the summer and excruciatingly cold in the winter.

You are always dirty, always smell bad.

Nonetheless, the benefits cannot be denied.


A person should be homeless for five reasons. First, being homeless is easier. No rent, utilities, or taxes need be paid. Also, being homeless teaches about homelessness. By experiencing what it is like to be homeless, a person may acquire a greater sense eagerness and urgency to help people in need.

Next, being homeless teaches one to be grateful. One learns to be grateful for electricity, a shower, a place to sleep, spend time, and keep belongings. It also teaches how to not to care what others think. As a result, one may become better with the opposite sex, less socially anxious, and more likely to succeed in life.

Finally, homelessness is good for the back, gives time to think, and can be truly exciting.

further reading

This article focused exclusively on why someone should choose to be homeless. What it focused little to none on, however, is why someone should not...

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Read "Why Someone Should Not Choose To Be Homeless - 12 significant reasons."


key takeaways

Someone should choose to be homeless for 5 main reasons:

  1. Being homeless is easier,
  2. teaches about homelessness,
  3. teaches to be grateful,
  4. teaches not to care what others think,
  5. and is good for the back, gives time to think, and can be exciting.
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