15 Ways to Become Homeless

BY Grayc Njoroge. LAST REVISED ON August 20th, 2023.

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The bad, the obvious, and the ugly

It has been said that for anyone homelessness is but a one misfortune away. This article explores the 15 ways a person can become homeless.

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In this day and age, people should feel lucky just to be able to afford necessities. Most of us live paycheck to paycheck, paying an amount of rent too high, yearning for a nice vacation or a break from the bills. Others are already not so lucky. They are homeless, some even working and still unable to afford rent.

How can one become homeless? What causes homelessness?

1. Poverty

i A homeless person catches a late morning nap on tile floor.A homeless person catches a late morning nap on tile floor. | Poverty is one major reason why people become homeless.

Homelessness and poverty are intimately connected. Homelessness is an extreme form of poverty. Poverty is a common denominator among homeless people. Escaping poverty is even more difficult when one is homeless. Lack of resources makes them choose between paying for rent and food. Most people prefer food; it is the primary basic need hence, they end up becoming homeless. In the US, 1 in 8 people that is 40 million people live below the poverty line.

2. Death of a loved one

Losing a loved one either due to illness, murder or any other reason can make one homeless. Many widows and widowers find their way to the streets after being left by their loved ones. It usually affects the family especially if the deceased was the family’s sole breadwinner. Such a family can end up on the streets if they do not get support from friends and families. Bertha and her five children became homeless after the death of her husband.

3. Eviction

Unsurprisingly, losing a house can make one homeless. Eviction is either done by the landlord or the government. Sometimes landlords hike rent prices by 50% or even more within a limited notice. Failure to pay, the tenant can be evicted. Other landlords might get a crazy deal and opt to sell their property at a hefty price without giving tenants any notice.
So many people have become homeless as a result of forceful eviction by the government. Sometimes the process is usually sudden and brutal. In Nairobi, Kenya over 5000 families have been left homeless after their houses were demolished.

4. Relationship breakdown

Human beings are social beings that’s why they are in relationships. Could be partners, friends, or just family relationships. When such a relationship ends the experience can be hurtful and painful. Pain can even be magnified if one is forced to leave the house. If one has no resources to move to another house, the end of the relationship can mark the beginning of homelessness. In the Us, family breakdown contributes to 11% of homelessness in the country.

5. Health issues

Severe illness or a fatal accident can make one homeless. It is expensive to treat such health issues; especially if one does not have a hospital card or employer heath-based insurance cover. Such health issues can cost one’s job especially if one has been bedridden for a long period. They eat into one’s cash and save; before one realizes it, the whole family is on the streets. This makes the situation of the sick person even worse

6. Disclosure of LGBTIQ+ identity

Most families are still against Lesbians, gays, bisexuals, Transgender, Intersex, and Queer. This is a major way of becoming homeless, especially among young people. When such people come out, their families either make their stay intolerable and uncomfortable, kick them out, or even disown them. Facing stigma makes them flee from home hence they become homeless. According to research, 20-40% of homeless people are LGBTIQ+.

7. Mental health illness

Mental illness is a subset of issues that can easily make one homeless. The relationship between the two; homelessness and mental illness is bi-directional. Homelessness can undermine mental illness; equally, mental illness can directly lead to homelessness. Rates of mental illness among homeless people are increasing. According to research,20-25%of those people experiencing homelessness are mentally ill. 

Many mentally ill people spend shy of their lives on the streets despite having prestigious qualifications.

8. Political drivers

Many people have become homeless as a result of politics. During elections, politicians promise development in exchange for votes. In return, people are displaced, their property destroyed and they end up homeless. In Kenya, post-election violence leftover 200,000 people homeless.

9. Addiction

Substance abuse is the proximate way of becoming homeless. Addiction and homelessness go hand in hand. Substance abuse results in homelessness whereas the result of homelessness is substance abuse. People who abuse drugs to the extent of being addicted are more likely to become homeless. Drug abuse drains their financial resources; they are unable to build a stable life hence they end up homeless. Lisa S turned into a homeless prostitute after being addicted to heroin.

10. Domestic violence

Domestic violence is a major issue that makes people homeless. It is the immediate way to become homeless, especially among the youth, children, and women. An unsafe family environment makes them flee from home. Survivors of domestic violence are cut off from their support systems hence they end up on the streets. A 2019 study in England shows 6000 people became homeless as a result of domestic violence.

11. Ethnicity and racial discrimination

Everyone has a right to be valued for who they are. However, in some countries, the easiest way of becoming homeless is to belong to a minority group. Racial minorities are denied access to education, employment, and other essential services. Hence, they become poor finally and end up homeless. They suffer from discrimination and victimization. In San Francisco, 591 per 10,000 black Americans are likely to be homeless.

12. Job loss

Today jobs are not as secure as they used to be in the olden days. Job loss is a major contributor to homelessness. Most people do not have the necessary skills to grab the good jobs available; hence they end up settling for low-paying jobs. These people live paycheck to paycheck with no savings. One catastrophic event such as job loss can lead to missed rent payments resulting in eviction. A survey carried out in Seattle shows that 25% of respondents became homeless due to job loss.

13. Unavailability of affordable houses.

Not being able to afford housing is the primary reason why people are homeless. In this day and age, rent is expensive hence it can only be afforded by the middle and upper class. Affordable houses by the government have decreased they do not even exist in most countries. Subsidized houses are neither available. Low-income earners end up on the streets. In Canada, 1in every 5 households spend 50% of their low income on rent.

14. Physical, sexual, and emotional abuse

This is common among young people. It is both a driver and a consequence of homelessness. Some young people leave home because of sexual abuse. They feel threatened by family, parents, or even relatives. They flee to get a safer space where they can live and call it home. Homeless people experience high levels of sexual abuse before, during, and even after episodes of homelessness. Research carried out in Us temporary shelters states that 55% were sexually abused, 67% were physically abused and 90% of homeless people were emotionally abused.

15. Natural calamities

Many people have become homeless as a result of natural disasters. They include floods, storms, earthquakes, tsunamis etcetera. People are hit so hard to an extent that they lose property, some get injured while others die. Displacements make these people live wherever they find shelter. In London, at least 14 million people are made homeless every year as a result of sudden natural disasters.

From the points above, it’s clear enormous paths lead to homelessness. Most of the time these paths cannot be pinpointed to one; rather a combination of several paths creates a perfect storm resulting in homelessness. Everyone has a breaking point some thankfully pick themselves up others are not able; hence they end up becoming homeless. They should not be looked down upon.

further reading

This article focused exclusively on 15 ways to become homeless. What it focused little to none on, however, is why young people become homeless...

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Read "Why Young People Become Homeless - 7 heartbreaking reasons."


key takeaways

  • One can become homeless in a number of ways.
  • Death of a loved one and eviction are two.
  • A relationship break-down results in homelessness when a significant other is relied upon to help with housing costs.
  • Many other ways exist as well.
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