Why is Being Homeless Good?

BY Kyle J. Cassaday. LAST REVISED ON January 4th, 2024.

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the 5 most significant reasons

Some people become homeless and then never want to be housed again. Why? This article explores why being homeless is good.

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In some circumstances, being homeless is not good. When a person lives outside in extreme cold or heat, for example, especially when the person has no way to keep warm and dry, homelessness is miserable.

Being homeless without food can also make homelessness not good. But so long as a person has warmth, food, and shelter from the rain and snow, being homeless is not that bad.

(The article in the Further Reading section at the bottom of this page explains more about why being homeless is a problem.) But this article is not about that. It is instead is about why being homeless is good.

For something to be good is for it to be acceptable.

For example, if you hand me a cup of coffee and say try this, whether or not the coffee is perfect, I can say that it is good.

It may not be everything that I ever wanted. The coffee may be too strong but sweetened just right, for instance. But when asked how drinking a cup of coffee, with honesty, I could say that it is good. I may like the warmth of it when I take a small sip, for example, and the extra boost of energy that is provided by the coffee.

Being homeless is good in the same way.

While not everything about being homeless is preferable, like waking up in the morning freezing instead of next to a warm heater, overall, in many circumstances, the many benefits of being homeless outweigh the bad.

So to say that being homeless is good is to say that it is acceptable. It may not be optimal. But, it is at least bearable.

Here are the 5 most significant reasons why being homeless is good:


i A person's legs hang out of a brown tent on a beautiful forest mountaintop.A person's legs hang out of a brown tent on a beautiful forest mountaintop. | One reason why being homeless is good is it is peaceful.

When homeless people aren't being harassed by the cops or being told to leave somewhere because a shop owner thinks that the sight of them is bad for business, being homeless can actually be good.

It can be good because it is peaceful...

Staying and sleeping outside is relaxing.

This is especially true in forests or the outskirts of cities. In these areas, a person lives amongst the song of birds and sleeps under the wonders of the sky. He or she gets to experience nature and reconnect with themselves in solitude. Nothing is more refreshing than being alone in nature.

So the first reason why being homeless is good is that living outside is peaceful.


The next reason why being homeless is good is that no need exists to pay rent.

When homeless, a person often lives in a dirt field or on a sidewalk in a tent, and these are places far away from landlords. Not having to pay a landlord to live in the world, homelessness gives a person the freedom to do what one pleases. It may be illegal to sleep outside in many areas, but at least doing so is free. One needs only to be in an area where homelessness is legal to not pay rent stress-free.

Also, with no reason to pay rent, life is a breeze.

One needs to stress about making the rent on time. He or she can spend days browsing the internet or watching Netflix on a phone. He need not even internet service to do so. A homeless person who wants to connect to the internet, can usually sit out front of any major business these days and connect for free.

While, like sleeping outside...

using a business' WIFI is illegal in many areas, a homeless person can often get away with it, spending his days in front of a McDonald's, for example, connected to the internet. He need only to buy a cheap drink, or to get permission from the business to be on company property connected to the internet.

Spending one's days playing on a phone at a McDonald's, for example, rather than working hard for a paycheck that goes almost entirely to rent, of course, is better.

Thus, the first reason why being homeless is good is one need not pay rent.


Another reason why being homeless is good is, like not having to pay the rent, one is free to do more fulfilling things than working because no need exists to pay utilities.

Paying no utility bills alone can be one good reason why being homeless is acceptable.

With electricity, gas, and sometimes even trash in addition to other housing expenses, utility bills can drain the already too-depleted bank account. Not paying the cost of utilities each month, a person can save, work less, or even not at all.

Thus, being homeless is also good because one need not pay utilities.


Work is a horrible, unfulfilling toil that robs even the most ambitious dreamers of their souls.

While it is true that some people would prefer to work at the same place that they do currently even if they won the lottery today, most people would not. Work is only something one does because they have to.

That, of course, is not to say that if one didn't have to, he or she wouldn't work at all.

Most people like to stay busy. They just don't like the kind of job they do.

They only stay because, when they look around at the opportunities that are available to them, they realize that their job isn't much worse than the rest. It's just that the job that they do is not their cup of tea. They stay at it, however, because they need to pay the bills.

Being homeless is good because...

having no bills to pay, a person need not work. (One need not work, at least, doing what he or she does not like to do.)

A person instead would rather have a job doing what they love. One may love writing, for example, but cannot find a job as a writer. If given the choice to go full-time writing books, however, he or she would drop their stocker position in a heartbeat.

Being homeless affords a person this luxury. When homeless, a person can pursue a career doing anything, anything at all that they want to do.

Perhaps if a person goes homeless...

for one or two years to write a book, the person may reason, for example, then he or she could generate enough money to get back into a home. One can then do what he or she loves for a job for the rest of life.

In short, being homeless provides a way for one to do what he or she wants. Not needing to hold down a job, a person can pursue other interests. So being homeless is good because a person doesn't have to work.


Though not every person likes to live alone, some people prefer it. To these people, being homeless is good because it offers the freedom to live alone.

In fact, many of the homeless are people who live prefer to be alone. Homeless people are often introverts. They enjoy solitude because of the quiet that comes with it.

Further, because rent is so expensive most of the housed are forced to live with roommates.

They often bunk with a romantic partner, family member, or strangers. But living with other people can cause problems.

First, it can sometimes be difficult to sleep. When the person that one lives with does not share the same sleeping schedule when he or she likes to be up at midnight making pancakes when other people are all in bed sleeping, for example, living with other people can be frustrating.

In addition, some are naturally night owls. These people enjoy being up at all hours of the night and prefer not having to tiptoe around the house that they pay rent for.

To both kinds of people, being homeless is good.

It is good because it offers one the freedom to live alone. Not needing to bunk with other roommates to afford an expensive rent payment, a person can live alone.

Thus, the final reason why being homeless is great is that it provides the freedom to live alone.


It might be said that being homeless is not all good and that it is not acceptable because when homeless, one has no shower, warm bed, or electricity. Therefore, no one should have to experience homelessness.

With that, I sort of agree. Being homeless is not something that I think someone should strive for. Being without a shower, a warm bed and a place to keep warm and dry is not fun.

I've been homeless myself...

Through the many years of being it, however, I've changed my mind about whether it is an unbearable situation that no one should be in.

In my personal experience, I found the many benefits of it to be quite refreshing. Of course, during the entire time that I was homeless, I wished I had a home to shower at, charge my electronics, and leave my stuff at, not having to pay bills, and the benefits of solitude and peacefulness persuaded me to continue being it.

I, of course, wouldn't have felt that way about being homeless, however, if had I lived in an area that was unbearably too cold, or hot.

But I lived in southern California. The weather there was always amazing.

So I'd reply to the statement, "being homeless is not good," with a qualifier:

So long as a person is not extremely cold or hot, and often getting wet or sweaty, being homeless isn't all that bad.

It's not for everyone, of course. But while some people can't handle scrubbing themselves with warm, soapy water with a rag, instead of hopping in a shower, others are willing to put up with it in order to do what they want. Not having to work, a person is free to do what he or she wants.


Many reasons exist why being homeless is good.

First, living outside is peaceful. Especially in forest and city outskirts, listening to birds chirping and lying on one's back studying the sky is relaxing.

Next, when homeless, one need not pay rent. This is great because one can save money, and not have to stress about making the rent on time.

Being homeless is also good because no need exists to pay utilities. While it is not always easy to live without electricity, not paying an electric bill is nice.

Not having to work is another good reason. With no rent or utilities, a person can pursue goals instead of working for a boss.

Finally, being homeless is great because one can live alone. Many of the homeless prefer to be alone. Sleeping outside provides them with that option.


Being homeless is usually not preferred. Most homeless people do not live on the streets by choice. But some do. And some of the reasons why they do are the ones mentioned above.

further reading

This article focused exclusively on why being homeless is good. What it focused little to none on, however, is 15 ways to become homeless...

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Read "15 Ways to Become Homeless - The bad, the obvious, and the ugly."


key takeaways

5 reasons exist why being homeless is good:

  • Living outside is peaceful,
  • no need to pay rent,
  • no need to pay utilities,
  • no need to work,
  • and freedom to live alone.
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thank you for reading